January 11, 2023
In our Board of Directors Meeting last evening, we discussed an investor representing Sullivan Commercial. He had reached out to us about a property that will be closing at the end of the month. We have included his email information onto this message.
The investor is talking to a property that is located at the North end of your Community off Galm at Oakwood Park. They are planning on constructing a Convenience Store with a Gas Station and Two Strip Centers. They were asking if the Community would be interested in giving them easement access onto your Common Area (at Oakwood Park) for their customers to exit their property onto Oakwood Park at the Galm stop sign. This would make your exiting traffic from your Community a nightmare.
They are also asking the owner of the other property next to this one at Silver Spot (next to where our monument is located) for an easement to let their customers also exit onto Silver Spot to go out to the Galm stop sign. Again, this will cause additional traffic headaches for your Community.
Your Board stated last evening that they ARE NOT INTERESTED in giving the investor the easement right-of-way from your Common Area property.
Giving this Commercial Investor this easement will increase the traffic at Oakwood Park and Galm and also at Silver Spot and Galm. We just want to inform the Silver Oaks Community of what is in the planning stages next to your Community and homes.
We have attached the pictures and the email from the investor for your review. Thanks again and we just wanted to inform you and let you know what is going on around your Community.
Thanks again,
Peggy Spore