New year and a year in review
Happy new year everyone!
I thought I would create a post of all that has happened in the community the past year and what we have planned for the future.
I will go a little bit past a year as HOA turnover occurred 29 October, 2020. The board was quickly thrown in the deep end as we needed to form the board and create a new budget by December 1st. It was at that time I also made my expectation known that we would conduct monthly Board Meetings as opposed to the more common quarterly or annual board meetings other HOA’s held. I also did the normal holiday lights at the entrances with the help of a few volunteers. In January we assessed what was left to use from the builder and what all needed immediate repairs.
In March we decided we decided bids for mulching the playground were coming in over budget so the board authorized me to purchase the mulch and spread it to reduce costs along with some other playground repairs. The initial budget was very tight so coming up with ways to stay within it were needed all year. We also received multiple complaints about food trucks and related trash so some policies were set to help keep that cleaner for the neighborhood. In April we also reviewed and approved amendments to the ACA Guidelines and Fine Schedule. We also discussed delinquencies and set the policy that accounts $700 and over go to collections and that accounts delinquent $2,000 and over go to foreclosure.
In May we planned for a neighborhood clean up on June 5th and we also talked about efforts to get Bexar County to approve traffic and safety efforts and several intersections. We also approved some more ACA guideline amendments. In July we reviewed more changes to ACA guidelines due to upcoming legislative changes. I also brought up issues with the current landscaper again and tried getting approval for a trash company agreement. We also planned for budget meetings, annual meeting, and National Night Out. I also got a second mulch delivery for other spaces in the park.
In August we discussed how the issues with the landscaper had become a safety hazard. Also in August and September we further planned for end of year activities and posted bids for projects in 2022. I also had to give the bad news we would need to raise rates in 2022 to account for inflation and pay for projects needed in the neighborhood.
October was whirl wind of activity with National Night Out October 5th, in person annual meeting October 14th, and our first board meeting October 21st. We then had a community garage sale at the beginning of November. We also got a new landscaper that has done wonders catching things back up for the community.

At the end of November I battled it out with FSR and we got a budget approved for 2022. I also placed the holiday lights up at all the entrances. Unfortunately this year I had to do it on my own as no one showed up to help. We also had one of the wooden tree decorations stolen this year.
But let’s also look at some of the things planned next year. We have approved plans or they are in progress for 100 yards of Park Playground Mulch, Tree Trimming at the park, a new park fence, fence maintenance along Silver Spot and Silver Pointe. Most of this was approved back at the November Board meeting and was after some work posting and seeking bids. While my spirits have been down after how the end of the year turned out, the communities spirits should be up with all that we have been able to accomplish. Hopefully I will be able to inspire so more community activity and participation in this upcoming year. Also while this was a brief year in review, please don’t take it as comprehensive as you would have to review all the board minutes and meetings to get a more comprehensive review.
Paul Darr
Silver Oaks HOA Board President
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